Reopening Update

Parents & Patrons, 

Thank you for your patience as we have been working to get all our information up-to-date and approved by our local health officials.

We are looking forward to being back in session and we are going to do everything that we possibly can do to stay open for the whole year.  We are currently in the middle of the yellow area of our dial.  All plans and procedures may and will change as we go through the year.  Please be patient with us and know that we are doing our best.

All students will be temperature checked when entering the school and at lunch.  

We will begin with masks being:

 1.     Highly recommended when in the classroom, especially when not social distancing.  

2.     Required when arriving to school, on buses, passing between classes, in lines for lunch, during labs, and anytime that social distancing cannot take place. 

 Other information about opening school has been posted on our web page under COVID updates.

Whether we agree with these requirements or not, these are the things that we have to do to stay open.  We want your children in school, where we provide the best education.

 Thank you Cozad Creates Success.

Mr. Ron Wymore, Superintendent

Link to the Covid-19 Update Page

Link to the Reopening Document dated 8/17/20

Link to the Reopening Document (Spanish Version) dated 8/17/20