At Cozad Community Schools we strive to make our students life-long learners and prepare them to use technology in and out of the classroom. We see exciting opportunities for our students’ education through the use of mobile technologies and cloud computing.
To that end, we provide to each student throughout our district with a mobile device. Students in grades K-2 are issued and iPad and grades 3-12 a chromebook. While we require the device to be used by the student at school, we also provide the option to the parent of allowing the device to be taken home in grades 6-12. Our devices our managed and we maintain a safe filter on them to protect our students and meet all required guidelines.
In order for our Middle School and High School students to be allowed take-home privileges, they must sign our Take-Home Agreement and pay a $15 fee. The fee that is charged is a protection fee that will cover one (1) accidental damage repair up to $30. Any further damage of the device will be the financial responsibility of the student. Please note, that damaged or lost chargers are not covered by the protection fee.
Students are not required to take the device home and if they choose not too, they will check it in/out of their building office.
Students taking home devices are responsible for making sure the device is fully charged and brought to school daily.
Take-Home forms and $15 protection fee are due Friday, August 28th.
In addition to the Take-Home Form ALL students and parents (grade K-12) must sign our Responsible Use Agreement. Both documents are linked below.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to Mrs. Patty Wolfe, Technology Director at 308-784-2744 or
Take-Home Form (PDF printable document)
Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) (PDF printable document)