There will be a Two Rivers Public Health Department sponsored flu shot clinic at Cozad Schools for students, grades K through 12, on Tuesday, October 6th. Students will not receive a flu shot unless their parent/guardian has submitted a consent form to the school office.
Information on influenza, the shot and the consent form can be found on the school website at www.cozadschools.net Please read ALL of the information posted and print the consent form for your child if you want them to receive the shot.
Completed parental consent forms and copies of insurance cards (if applicable) are due in the child’s school office by Sept 22. The vaccine is available without insurance and no one will be refused vaccine.
No child will receive a flu shot without written parent/guardian permission.
Contact Peg Butler RN, School Nurse with questions. peg.butler@cozadschools.net or 784-3462 office.
Information Files and Consent Forms can be found at the links below or on our website Under "Documents - District - Flu Shot Clinic 2020"
Information on Flu Shot Clinic