The Junior Class of Cozad High School cordially invites all CHS Juniors and Seniors to "Met Gala" Prom on Saturday, April 17, 2021, at Cozad High School. The Red Carpet Walk in the Auditorium begins at 8:00 pm and the Dance and Coronation in the Gymnasium is from 9:00 to 11:30 pm.
Schedule of Events for April 17, 2021:
- 2:00 to 3:00--Open House--The public is invited to view the decorations in the gymnasium
- 3:00 - 4:00 -- Students are invited to Meadowlark Pointe and Emerald Care Center to show off their formal attire
- 4:30 - 5:30 Punch Party for Juniors and Seniors and their dates at the Cozad Elks Club
- 5:30 - 7:30--Dinner on your own. The Catholic Church is offering a dinner at no cost. Reservations can be made by using the Google form
- 7:30 -- Senior Class picture will be taken in the gymnasium
- 7:40 -- Junior Class picture will be taken in the gymnasium
- Katie Arndt will be taking individual and small group photos immediately before and following the Red Carpet Walk. Order forms will be in the High School office.
- 8:00 -- Red Carpet Walk in the High School Auditorium. Open to the public.
- 9:00 - 11:30 Dance and Coronation in the High School Gymnasium
- Please bring a change of clothes to put in the locker rooms. Those attending Post Prom will not be allowed to leave after the dance.
- 12:00 (midnight) Hypnotist at the High School
- 1:00 am - Load buses for the Big Apple in Kearney. While there, students will enjoy bowling, ballocity, mini-golf, laser tag and go-carts. Snacks and drinks will be provided
- 5:00 am Buses arrive back at Cozad High School