Good Afternoon!
This is has been an eventful start to the year and I want to commend our staff and students for their commitment to staying healthy in this uncertain time. As many of you are aware this fall we have had to make some decisions about our plan to return to school. As with all good plans they may need some adjusting. With a sharp increase today we believe we have made the appropriate adjustments to the plan. Our goal is to maintain a safe, in-person learning environment for our students. We do not believe we will need to move to a full mask mandate at this point, but we will have to have students who have been directly exposed wear masks to continue to stay in school for their 14 day cycle.
I have attached our the Cozad Self-Monitoring Guidance and the Cozad Exclusion & Readmittance to School handouts for you to look over. Please know that we are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment any time we have to re-evalute our decision we work with our local health professionals and area health department to seek guidance, we appreciate their partnership.
Cozad Self-Monitoring Guidance
Cozad Exclusion & Readmittance to School
If your child is not feeling well we encourage you to keep them home until they are without symptoms and no longer have a fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
I appreciate your support of your child and the Cozad Community Schools.
Angela Simpson