Elementary picture retakes are scheduled for October 20, 2022. Parents of students that did not take pictures on the original dates are encouraged to order online for their student(s). The link below will take you directly to their website and will automatically log you into their site. You will only need to add your email address. High School & Middle School retakes will be the same day and forms and information in the offices.
Link: www.barksdalestorefront.com
A few points regarding retake day:
1. Make-up day will be students that were absent on picture day or new students that have enrolled after your initial picture date.
2. Absent students and new students are encouraged to order online to avoid any shipping costs at a later time.
3. Anyone photographed on make-up day will receive a "Proof" booklet when pictures are returned to school. These proofs will contain an individualized access code so they can access their image online.
4. Any student that ordered a picture package and was not happy with their portrait is welcome to come and have their photo retaken. We do ask that they bring back their purchased package, the photographer will take that package. A new picture package with their new photo will be printed and resent to school.