Canvas For Parents

Canvas is a web-based learning management system, or LMS, used at Cozad High School and Cozad Middle School.  It is used by teachers and students to access and manage online course learning materials and communicate about skill development and learning achievement. 

Parents (Observers) can create a Canvas account and link to their child’s student’s account so they can see assignment due dates, announcements, and other course content. Observers can view the course content but cannot participate in the course.  Follow the steps below to create your Parent Observer account: 

Before creating your Parent Account, your student must obtain the parent pairing code from their Canvas instance. Have your child complete these steps:

Students must get the Parent pairing code by following these steps: 

    1. Student signs into their canvas  account

    2. On the left click on “account”

    3. Click on Settings

    4. On right click on “pair with observer”--the pairing code is given

Once you have the pairing code, Parents need to go to the link:

To create an “observer” account, Click top right on “Parent of a Canvas User”

Fill in the information  (Name,  parent personal email, password and then enter the Student pairing code

If you have any issues connecting with your child's canvas courses, please contact Mrs. Wolfe at