Any middle school student interested in going out for Football or Volleyball this season will need to attend a brief informational meeting Thursday, August 16th, after school. The 7th and 8th grade football meeting will be in the Middle School commons. The 7th grade volleyball meeting will be in Room 4. The 8th grade volleyball meeting will be in the Middle School media center. Also, all middle school students going out for a sport must have their PHYSICAL, parent consent, and drug consent forms turned in before they can practice.
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
Information of Friday's High School VB Jamboree against South Loup: Volleyball will be in Callaway starting at 5:00 PM. Reserve and Junior Varsity will play 3 sets to 25 with Varsity playing 2 sets to 25. Admission will be $5 for Adults and $3 for Students. No Passes Accepted. Concessions will be available. Please enter through the entrance on the south side of the school.
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
CCS Parents: Do you understand the online threats faced by our children today? You don't want to miss this entertaining and highly informative presentation by Bobby Truhe from KSB Law, tonight at 6:30 in the CHS auditorium.
over 6 years ago, Dave Evertson
The elementary school pictures are on Wednesday, August 22nd.  There is a mistake on the photo envelope from Photography by Dee Ann.  AGAIN elementary school pictures are on Wednesday, August 22  as stated on the school calendar.
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools
‪The 2018 Haymaker Kickoff Celebration will be FRIDAY August 17th starting at 5:00 PM. The Cross Country team will run at Haymaker Stadium starting at 6:00 and the Football team will scrimmage starting at 7:30. Performances by the Haymaker band, cheer, and dance team to follow! ‬
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
‪Nice night to play some softball!! @HaymakerSB playing their inter squad scrimmage tonight at Bellamy Park! ‬
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
‪Thank you to @Haymakerxc for letting me workout with you this morning!! What a great work ethic by the student athletes this morning...Looking forward to a great season by these runners and coaches! #ETL (Excellence-Toughness-Love)‬
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
Due to a planned power outage tomorrow at Cozad High School, PowerSchool will be unavailable on Thursday, 8/9 from 1:30 PM until power is restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 6 years ago, Dave Evertson
Thank you ⁦‪@22neleigh‬⁩ and Lady Haymakers VB for letting me be a part of practice this morning!! Great group of young ladies working to get better each day!!! #ETL ((Excellence-Toughness-Love)
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
Lady Haymaker VB
6th Grade & 9th Grade Orientation. These orientation sessions are also for new MS and HS students. MS on Thursday, August 9th and High School, Monday, August 13th
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools
PowerSchool portal for High School (only) is open now -August 6, 2018. The window for Drop/Add is August 6th - August 17th. Cozad Middle School will open the portal on Thursday, August 8th. Cozad Elementary will open the PowerSchool portal on Tuesday, August 14th.
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools
🚨ALERT🚨 Falls Sports Parents Meeting will be tomorrow (8.6.17) in the High School Auditorium at 7:00 PM. We will have a general meeting first and then athletic teams will break off into their own meetings. Looking forward to seeing you all there!!!
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
6th Grade Suggested School Supply List for 2018-2019
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools
6th Grade School Supply List
CEEC and Cozad Elementary Monday, August 13
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools
Open house
Reminder Youth Football Camp this week--grades 4-6 will have camp from 8:30-10 Tuesday morning. Grades 7 & 8 will have camp from 10-12 Noon. Wednesday will have the same schedule as well. All activities will be on the practice fields north of the Wellness Center.
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools
PARENTS & ATHLETES: Falls Sports Parent Meeting will be Monday, AUGUST 6th at 7:00 PM at the High School Auditorium. General information from the Activities Director with sport specific meetings to follow. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
ATHLETES: Falls Sports Practice starts Monday, August 6th. You MUST have a physical and all forms completed and turned into the office PRIOR to the start of practice. No Forms & Physical = No Practice!
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
Mark your calendars!
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools
New student and orientation dates
‪🚨REMINDER🚨 All Haymaker Athletes ...Make sure you get your physical, paperwork, and activity fees paid for PRIOR to the start of Fall Practice on August 6th. Forms can be found and turned in at the High School Ofiice. Thank you for your help in getting this done! ‬
over 6 years ago, Jordan Cudney
This is the last week of summer AfterZone and Summer Meal Program. Friday, July 20th will be the last day for these summer programs.
over 6 years ago, Cozad Schools