Just a reminder that Wednesday, May 3, is Cozad Care Community Service Day for the High school and elementary. The Middle School will be doing theirs next week. Make sure you dress accordingly (jackets, comfortable shoes, etc.). Also, tomorrow is a 2:30 dismissal for all students PreK-12.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
Slight update to CHS student device plan, affects students leasing iPads. Details at https://goo.gl/MPu14c
over 7 years ago, Dave Evertson
Reminder: Optional grade 9-11 student device parent meetings in CHS auditorium at 7 PM 5/2/17 & 5/11/17. https://goo.gl/xAdHZv #CozadMakers
over 7 years ago, Dave Evertson
Art Students are preparing to display their art work for Fine Arts night this evening. Please plan on joining our students this evening at 6:00 and see how many takented young students CHS has!
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
The 4th-5th grade track meet that was supposed to run Tuesday, May 2nd, has been rescheduled for next Wednesday May 10th starting at 12pm. Below is the Order of Events
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
There will be No AfterZone on May 18th. Summer AZ will begin on Tuesday, May 30th - July 21st. Closed on July 4th. Open from 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
May Menus are posted. You can find the menus in the document section in the app and on the website.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
Cozad Community Schools - 2 hr late start and there will be NO bus routes for Monday. May 1
over 7 years ago, Joel Applegate
Students inducted into Cozad's chapter of National Honor Society Thursday night. Natalie Engel, Olivia Klein, Sydney Lindstedt, Madison Weatherly, Grace Cargill, Carrie Osborn, Margaret McGinnis, Addy Hergenrader, Jace Russman, Elizabeth Stallbaumer, Annabelle Underwood.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
All basketball camp checks, girls and boys, need to be made out to Cozad Community Schools. Thank you! #cozadMakers
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
CHS National hHonor Society spring induction this evening at 7:00 PM in the high school auditorium. The public is invited
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
Middle School track today at the Dutch Zorn Relays which is hosted at Gothenburg High School today, Thursday, April 27th at 3:00 CT.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
Current 9-11 #CozadMakers students and parents - reminder that device intent forms are due 5/12/17. Details here: https://goo.gl/ehGDkQ
over 7 years ago, Dave Evertson
Broken Bow Boys' olf Invite - MOVED TO TUESDAY, MAY 2ND - 9:30 AM START TIME
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
SWC track will be moved to Wednesday of next week, May 3rd. 9:30 field events and 11:00 running. Will post the schedule when it becomes available.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
Changes this week in Boys' Golf: Friday, April 28, there will be no golf at all. Cozad golfers will NOT play in Overton on Thursday, they will all enter into the Dawson CO. meet in Cozad at 12:00 pm. Broken Bow has moved their meet to Tuesday, May 2nd at 9:30 am. We will not be dualing Minden on Tuesday here in Cozad due to this change.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
CHS Parents & Students: If you are leasing an iPad Air or iPad Air 2 from the school, please make sure your 2nd semester lease payment is paid by Monday, May 1st.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
FBLA celebrated their year last night at their annual FBLA Banquet. Recognition was given to the leadership team that served the chapter this school year. New Officers for the 17-18 school year were announced and inducted.
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
The last day for Cozad School students will be on Thursday, May 18th. Students will be dismissed that day at 11:30 #cozadMakers
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools
Cozad Community School Students and Staff would like the invite EMS, Fire Department, and Police to our luncheon on May 3rd. We would like to say THANK YOU for your service. The luncheon is Wednesday, May 3rd from 11:30 to 1:30 at the 100th Meridian Museum
over 7 years ago, Cozad Schools