Haymakers--both boys and girls--play in Round 2 of SWC Tournament in Kearney Tonight. Girls at 5:00 and Boys 6:30. Good Luck!!
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
Haymaker Hoops is cancelled THIS SATURDAY, Jan. 28th due to illness and the SWC tournament. The last Haymaker Hoops session will be next SATURDAY Feb. 4th in the WELLNESS CENTER. #cozadMakers
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
SWC Semi-Finals on Friday, January 27th. CHS Girls will face Ogallala at 5:00 pm and CHS Boys will face Gothenburg at 6:30 pm. Both games will be played at Kearney High School. Good Luck Haymakers!
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
2017 Nebraska School Board Recognition Week January 22nd – 28th Cozad Community Schools would like to recognize and thank our Board of Education for their roles and responsibilities in governing our school district. Board members include: John Peden, President; Scott Geiser, Vice President; Edd Albrecht, Secretary; Ann Burkholder, Joel Carlson, Michele Starman, Board Members. Take time to reach out and say thank you to them for their service. #cozadMakers
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
Revised SWC Basketball Tournament brackets. Both #cozadMakers Girls and Boys start tonight, Monday, January 23rd
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
There has been an adjustment in first round SWC games involving our Haymakers. Due to potentially poor weather on Tuesday, our Monday schedule will be as follows: January 23rd 5:30 PM McCook v Cozad (Girls) 7:00 PM Minden v Cozad (Boys) There will be Varsity only games. #cozadmaker
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
CHS FBLA members recycling 1.4 tons! What a great community service project. #cozadMakers
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
Boys SWC Basketball Tournament begins on Tuesday, January 24th. The boys will face the Minden Whippets at 6:00 pm at Cozad #cozadMakers
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
2017 Girls SWC Tournament begins Monday, January 23rd. Cozad Haymakers will play at Home against McCook Bison at 6:00 pm #cozadMakers
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
There will be a helmet fitting tomorrow (Wednesday) for all those going out for football next season. Juniors and sophomores will begin at 2:50. Freshmen and 8th graders will go immediately after school. The fitting will take place by the boys locker room. #cozadMakers
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
Cozad Wrestling team took 3rd at the Minden Dual Tournament Friday. Congratulations to all the medal winners and the entire team and coaches! Thanks to Sherilyn Leibrandt for all the updates and photos.
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
Reminders from Peg Butler, School Nurse: Cozad Community Schools had had many students absent due to a variety of illnesses. Here are some important points to remember:  Fever is considered a temperature over 100° F. State guidelines are: no school until 24 hours fever free WITHOUT the use fever reducing medication.  Students need to stay out of school 24 hours after throwing up.  Contact your health care provider if there are symptoms of influenza (sudden onset fever, chills, severe body aches, headache, chest discomfort). There are medications that can be helpful to your family but they need to be started within a certain time period. Sooner is better.  Stay home when sick, avoid close contact with sick people, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, WASH your hands!  Disinfect shared surfaces frequently.  If your child misses school due to illness, they should not be at activities that evening. Please keep your children home when they are sick. Giving them medicine and sending them to school exposes not only the other students in the classroom, but the teaching staff as well.
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
CHS Mid-Winter Dance will be on Friday, January 20th from 8-11. Please make sure to register out-of-town guests.
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
2017 Pep Club Soup & Pie Supper
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS Cozad Haymaker Nation, On Thursday Jan. 12th the Cozad Haymakers take on the Gothenburg Swedes at Cozad High School. We need your support! Girls game starts at 6pm and the boys play at 7:45pm. We are having a BLACK OUT ​for the games. Fans are encouraged to wear black​ in support of the Haymakers! Come cheer on the Haymakers to wins against Gothenburg! Coach Drew Danielson Head Boys Basketball Coach
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
YOUNG HAYMAKERS!--Haymaker Hoops Players We need your help! Our high school boys have a huge game this Thursday Jan. 12th at 7:45pm​ against 12-0 Gothenburg. ​We want you to be apart of the night. At halftime of the girl’s game, approx. 6:30pm​, we will gather ALL HAYMAKER HOOPS PLAYERS​ in the hallway next to locker rooms. Once half time starts we will bring the boys out for a shootaround. They will have a chance to show off their skills in front of a huge crowd! Wear your Haymaker Hoops T-Shirt to get in free​ and come ready to be apart of a great night! Coach Drew Danielson Head Boys Basketball Coach
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
Cozad Community Schools’ Pre-K program is accepting applications for the 2017-18 school year. This program is a Monday-Thursday full-day program. Children who are 4 years of age or will be 4 by July 31, 2017 will be given first priority. Enrollment packets can be picked up at the Cozad Early Education Center at 420 West 14th during school hours. Packets must be completed and returned by March 1, 2017. NO LATE ENROLLMENT PACKETS WILL BE CONSIDERED.
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
#cozadMakers vs St. Pats on our StrivTV channel now http://striv.tv/channel/cozad/
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
Congratulations to the CHS Speech Team on their awards today at the Lexington Speech Meet. Service Leadership Award (only lex does this) - Sam Schutte Ashley Burkholder - 6th place extemporaneous Melissa Estrada - first place novice entertainment Mariana Hermosillo - fourth varsity serious Omar Carlos, Ashley Burkholder, Melissa Estrada, Abby Thramer, and Mariana Hermosillo - third place in Varisty in OID
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools
about 8 years ago, Cozad Schools